
Popular Demand

These are the very popular smaller sized windows that are over 100 years old. The vintage green glassware is from the 1930s.
21"H 18"W
7 lbs

This item is SOLD.


Sweet Popular

This is one of our most popular designs. The green is just magnificent.

One of our most popular pieces! High demand! Only $80.00!
19"H 18"W
6 lbs

This item is SOLD!


Lovely Carnival Glass and 1880's Wine Country Windows

This color combination is extremely popular.
We were able to make two of the same pattern with gorgeous carnival glass and our treasured wine country windows that are from a house built in the 1880s.

Sorry, these windows are SOLD!

Decorating Ideas Are Endless

These are windows from a home built in the early 1800s and they have all of the original hardware.

These windows give this living room some texture and personality.

Sorry, not for sale any longer ~ this is item is SOLD!

Green With Envy

This gorgeous old dish just begged for more green and we happened to be able to find some just as lovely glass embellishments.

This size is perfect for a bathroom or any nook and cranny. The colors are magnificent. For sale for $80.00.

This item is SOLD!

19"H 18"W
6 lbs

Antique Carnival Glass in Starburst Design

We were lucky enough to find several of these gorgeous carnival glass dishes at an antique store in San Juan Bautista.

This is another smaller size window that came from a home that we were told was built in the late 1800s. There are decades and decades of history on this lovely old gem.

This window is SOLD!

Beautiful blue and Carnival glass

Each of these lovely pieces are available for $125.00 each. Please email us at with any inquiries.


Our Precious Office

A sneak peak at our office and shipping operation. We handle each piece very delicately.

We LOVE this room!