This is another "Flower Power" that we just designed. Our first one sold rather quickly so we were able to design another one. Here is Debi setting it up for it's photo shoot:
Flower Power is Available for $150.00. - ETA: SOLD! This is where we lay out designs on a white tablecloth. You can see our bins of glass beads. After laying out the design, we start gluing. We have to be outside because the glue we use needs ventilation. We then CAREFULLY move the piece inside to dry flat for 24 hours. Only then, can we see it vertically and photograph it:
Our newest windows are in excellent condition and only require a fresh coat of paint. We are painting half of them white and the other half will be black. Juli's favorite is this fantastic find - it came from the oldest home that was ever built in Hollister - a nice contractor had saved it for himself but allowed us to purchase it because he heard what we were doing with old windows and he wanted it to be useful. It is 3 1/2 ft. high by 2 1/2 ft wide and we have had a special platter that will be perfect. We are designing it before the paint is even dry we are so excited! This is the window after one coat of paint, obviously, before it is cleaned.
We are hoping to get the design finished this afternoon so we can photograph it tomorrow.
Working On Our Loot
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 15:13 2 comments
Our Mascot and Our Work Station
We have had an amazing last few days and have sold and shipped out eleven of our windows which left us with less than twenty completed and available windows. We're not complaining but we have an upcoming antique show in San Juan Bautista on August 2nd so we need to build up our inventory. Although, Juli's husband rather enjoys having his deck back to normal when we have no windows, our mascot likes it when we are all outside and working.
No sooner had we mentioned that we needed some luck finding 1800s windows, than our phone rang and it was a local contractor who was remodeling a home in Hollister that was built in 1882. He even removed them for us and helped us load them into our car. This is our late Friday afternoon loot before pressure wash and paint job: click any picture to enlarge
This is our mascot, Sophia Loren Scarlett O'Hara protecting our supplies: We have a collection of A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. vintage dishes that we found on our antique hunt in Cambria and Paso Robles last week. Here are some of our favorites:
Next week we will be busy bees and will be posting our newest creations. We are so excited!!!
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 15:10 4 comments
A Lavender Diversion!
'Tis The Season!
In California, we are in the midst of the two week lavender harvest season and we have been making our favorite lavender crafts. We are so very lucky to have lavender in our backyard - literally and figuratively. This year, Leal Vineyards is kind enough to let us harvest some of their grosso lavender from France and they also have some lovely English lavender: photo courtesy Leal Vineyards
You can see a bit of their abundant lavender in the above photograph.
We may list our lavender crafts on Etsy but wanted to share them with our lovely blog readers.
First, may we introduce you to our lavender logs:
We sell our lavender logs for a very reasonable $40 each.
These are loaded with extremely fragrant grosso and English lavender and decorated with our own dried roses. Some people actually use these as fire starters but we can't bear to think of that demise with these sweet decorations.
Now, for our lavender wands:
These date back to the Victorian times and were the first sachets (they didn't have little organza bags back then!). Elizabethan ladies used to gather lavender and transform it into these delightful 'wands' or 'bottles' to put in their linen cupboards. Use them to fragrance linen or lingerie drawers, or wherever you would use a sachet.
We have to weave these within an hour of harvesting because of the pliability of the lavender. The lavender buds are inside the basket and these last for decades. A gentle squeeze is all that is need to release the fragrance. Our lavender wands are $20 each and are made with the fragrant grosso lavender imported from France that we harvested from Leal Vineyards.
We would like to thank Frank Leal for his kindness in allowing us to use his luscious and divine lavender.
Please email any inquiries to . We will be happy to provide more photos and dimensions and selection choices! The good thing is that shipping should be really reasonable with these light weight beauties!
Thank you for visiting our blog!
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 20:29 6 comments
Special Order
Our client in Carmel - the one who ordered this window:
She was nice enough to give us her fourth sunflower dish and we had the perfect little window to display it on. A client on the East Coast said that she loved the sunflowers so when we offered this little gem, she purchased it immediately. Thank you so much Mrs. Nell!
We have been super busy preparing for another arts and craft festival and will be posting something completely different next!
This sunflower window is obviously SOLD.
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 20:13 2 comments
Happy Depression Glass
We combined pink hued glass embellishments with these lovely depression glass dishes.
Because we still can't get good pictures, here is another view:
If you are interested in any of our works of art and you want more pictures, we will be happy to accommodate requests.
This window is from a home built in the 1880s and it is in excellent condition.
Email any inquiries to .
This window is for sale for $125.
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 08:01 3 comments
Sweetness Is Our Weakness
Here are two of our latest designs that are made from windows from a home that was built in the 1880s, these windows are in excellent condition and are unique in their shape.
We are often asked how we find old windows, finding old windows in GOOD shape is extremely difficult and we also try to use windows only from the 1800s which drastically reduces our options for potential creations.
We hope you like our latest vintage window art: FLOWER POWER SOLD
This window is unique in it's shape and design. This four paned smaller sized window even has "legs". Each little flower is a different, adorable color (click any picture to enlarge)
Flower Power JUST SOLD!
The following picture is a precious three paned window from the 1880s with AMAZING vintage crystal salt dishes on each pane. We call this one "Purple Passion":Purple Passion is for sale for $125.00 .
All of these have sold. We try to keep the costs down because we realize how pricey the shipping fees are sometimes. Please email us with inquiries at and we will answer your email within 48 hours.
Thank you for visiting our blog.
Labels: SOLD
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 20:26 2 comments
Lovin' The Blues
This is a smaller sized window with "legs" that we painted black. We are not sure about the history of the blue crystal dish, we purchased it at an antique store and fell in love with it's brilliance.
This window is for sale for $110.00. It measures approx. 18" high by 24" wide.
click any picture to enlarge.
Thank you for your support!
ETA: Sorry, this window is SOLD.
Please click here for a list of our AVAILABLE items.
Labels: SOLD
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 19:46 8 comments
Crystal Clear
This is a very unique multi-paned window that is approx. 4 ft. wide by 2 ft. high with "legs". The contractor said that this was over the front door of a home in Hollister, California that was built in the 1880s.
We kept the design simple and elegant, believe it or not, this took us a long time to create because of the uniqueness of the narrow panes.
This window is for sale for $125.- Sorry, this window just SOLD!
Please email us with any inquiries at .
Thank you for visiting our blog!
Labels: SOLD
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 18:42 3 comments
Sunflower Delight
This is a custom window for a lovely lady in Carmel, California. She has had these adorable sunflower dishes and wanted us to incorporate them into our art. Juli painted the stems and leaves to bring the dishes to life.
We deviated from our normal designs and she is delighted with the final result. We'll get a better picture when it is hanging in her home.
This item is SOLD.
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 14:41 4 comments
Cleaning and Designing
We just got a lovely batch of medium sized windows from another old home in Hollister, California. This home was built in 1879 and has some really unique multi-paned redwood windows that are in great shape. We still have many of our treasured dishes from antiquing in Soquel, California and can't wait to try out some new designs. Pictures will be up as soon as soon as possible!
We only have four of the smaller sized windows left (popular for shipping):
Above window with 4 antique salt dishes ~ only $90.
Click here for a complete list of AVAILABLE items.
We will be happy to answer any questions; email: .
Have a lovely day and thank you again for your tremendous support!
Posted by Déjà View Designs at 11:59 0 comments